Legal research and writing are essential skills for paralegals as well as lawyers. As a paralegal, you will be responsible for conducting legal research and communicating your findings to attorneys and clients.
Legal research involves finding legal information that can be used to support legal arguments. As a paralegal, you will need to be able to find relevant cases, statutes, and regulations that are applicable to your client’s case. You will also need to be able to analyze that information and communicate it effectively to attorneys and clients.
Legal writing is also an important skill for paralegals. You will need to be able to communicate your ideas effectively and persuasively in written form. This may involve drafting legal documents such as briefs, memos, and pleadings.
Good legal research and writing skills are essential for success as a paralegal. These skills will help you provide valuable support to attorneys and clients by ensuring that you are able to find relevant legal information and communicate it effectively.